8/23/24 • Weekly Update


Dear RWCS Community,

Our first trip of the year wrapped up with the return of our 6th-8th graders from their adventure up Columbine Canyon! The 3rd - 5th graders depart on their trip on Tuesday, with a gear check on Monday. I have some good news to report on the portable classroom project. The buildings were fully set this past weekend! That allowed for the rest of the project to resume. Then, early this week, both buildings had power run to them, and after sitting idle for more than 12 years, there were lights! Now, the rest of the exterior work of phase II can be completed. Phase III will then begin, which will be the remodel of the interiors.



Blue Bus Update

The RTD Blue Bus is crucial for our students at Roots and Wings Community School, providing free transportation in northern New Mexico. However, we need volunteers to chaperone both morning and afternoon routes to keep this service running. The Blue Bus is not a school bus, and if we cannot provide a chaperone, students will not be allowed to ride, requiring parents to find other ways to get them to school.

Recent reports from Blue Bus management highlight safety concerns, including students standing on seats and not following chaperone or driver instructions. It's essential for families to go over the RTD Bus Policies and Student Conduct with their kids to ensure a safe environment.

We encourage community members to volunteer. Your help is important for ensuring students can get to school on the Blue Bus. If you want to assist, please reach out to the school office for more details. Your support can greatly impact this vital service.

Bus Chaperones are NEEDED for 24-25 SY

We need bus chaperones for the 24-25 school year. The bus will NOT take any students if no adult chaperone is on the bus. Please help keep this free service for our students. We could use help for as much or as little as you can give. You can chaperone on the morning ride to school (7:40 am-10:20 am), the afternoon ride from school (2:00 pm-4:40 pm), or both. It can be a paid position if you can commit to riding regularly. PLEASE contact the school at 575 586-2076 or email Alice Allen at aallen@rwcs.org.

If you can commit to chaperoning, here is the link to sign up for specific days.

Bus Chaperone Sign-up Sheet >



Next Week At-A-Glance

Class trips are a unique RWCS program component tied to our curriculum and charter.

They are designed to work on group dynamics, character building, personal growth, and outdoor skills. Attending the school requires participating in these trips. Besides personal items, RWCS has all the required gear that students can borrow for the trip:

3rd - 5th Grade - August 27th - 30th. Fees: $80

K - 2nd Grade - September 11th - 13th. Fees: $60

All families should have received a trip packet for the fall; if not, please contact your child's classroom teacher. If trip fees are a financial burden, please contact Marina at office.manager@rwcs.org. Parents requesting financial aid must have submitted their Free and Reduced Lunch form.



Upcoming Reminders

Harvest Fest - Saturday, October 19th - Required School Day

RWCS is in the planning stages for its annual Harvest Fest on Saturday, October 19th.

The Harvest Fest is our annual fundraising event, and the proceeds will go to our Class Trip Program. We need community support to help plan and support this event. Andrea Griffin (agriffin.gc@rwcs.org) and Odalys Diaz (odiaz.gc@rwcs.org), both parents and

RWCS Board members, are heading up the organizing committee. If you can help, please contact them for more details.

School Picture Day - Wednesday, October 2nd

Once again, Southern Exposure Photography will be taking our school pictures. As we approach the date, we will send out more information on how to order from them. Southern Exposure will handle all orders online, and you will receive information directly from them.


As always, thank you for all your support and for trusting us with your children's education! We are looking forward to a wonderful school year!


Jon Orris, Director


8/20/24 • Weekly Update


8/16/24 • Weekly Update