The lottery for 2024-2025 school year is now closed. Complete the application below to join the wait list.

Enrollment policies and procedures

  • WCS enrolls students by lottery.  There are no admissions requirements. Interested students are selected by randomly choosing names from among all of those registered on our list until the limit of enrollment is reached. Once the available slots have been filled, waiting lists will be maintained. When a space becomes available, the next student on the list and his or her family will be notified and invited to enroll in the school. Current students and children living in the same household as current students are given priority over the lottery system when RWCS makes enrollment decisions for the following school year.

    Each new student interested in enrolling will have the option to visit while RWCS is in session as long as arrangements have been made ahead of time.

    The RWCS Board reserves the right to enroll students in a manner that best serves the interests of RWCS, as shall be determined solely by the Board, with input from the director.

  • Waiting lists do not transfer from year to year.  RWCS will not maintain a waiting list for a student who wishes to be admitted in future years.  Applicants must reapply every year.

    Students who are not initially selected for enrollment will be placed on the RWCS waiting list according to grade. Separate waiting lists will be maintained for each grade.

    If necessary, separate waiting lists will be maintained for each grade for siblings of enrolled students.

    All children who apply for enrollment after the lottery are added to the waiting list in the order in which their applications are received.

    If an applicant from the waiting list is offered a position and does not accept it within the allotted time, s/he will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list for his/her grade, or if requested, dropped from the waiting list.

    1. Returning students

    2. Siblings of currently enrolled students

    3. Lottery participants who will be entering K-8th grades

    4. Siblings of newly selected students will be moved to the top of the waiting list of their grades at the time of his/her sibling’s enrollment provided they have an application already on file.

  • It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school and fill out an enrollment application for siblings applying for the lottery by the deadline announced.

    When two siblings are in the lottery and one wins a spot, the other goes to the top of the waiting list for his/her grade, as mandated by state law.

    If there is a mid-year vacancy, and a new student is enrolled who has a sibling on the waiting list, that sibling goes to the top of the waiting list for his/her grade, as mandated by state law.

    Siblings do not have automatic entry into the school until there is an opening in their grade, provided they have an application already on file.

    Definition of a sibling

    • Must share at least one biological parent AND a household at least 50% of the time.

    • If siblings are not biological siblings, proof of guardianship must be provided.

    • Foster children may be considered as a sibling with legal proof of guardianship.

    Step-siblings may qualify if they meet these requirements:

    • They must share a household with the enrolled sibling at least 50% of the time, and proof must be provided (court/custody order). AND

    • Parents are legally married OR

    • The biological parent of the enrolled sibling must adopt or take legal guardianship over the applicant with proof (court documents).

    Acceptable forms of proof (RWCS may request notarization):

    • Court/custody orders

    • Affidavit/acknowledgment of paternity

    • Copies of Birth Certificates 

    • Marriage licenses

  • The Director determines the number of students in each class, cohort, or grade and when a grade has “openings” based on the current needs of the school community throughout the year.

    The RWCS Board, following the terms of their charter, shall determine the total enrollment of RWCS.

  • Parents or legal guardians must confirm their child’s enrollment by returning the completed registration form by the date and time indicated. 

    When moving from the waiting list to admittance, applicants must verbally confirm enrollment within three (3) school days from initial contact from the school at which time non-confirmed students will be dropped from the admissions or waiting list.

    The parents or legal guardians who do not properly confirm their child’s enrollment will be dropped from the admission list and placed at the end of the waiting list.

    If the school cannot make positive verbal contact with an applicant after three attempts within two weeks to confirm enrollment or notify them of an opening, the applicant will be dropped from the admission list or the waiting list.

    Parents or guardians of the applicant are responsible for maintaining the information on the enrollment application and must notify RWCS, in writing, of any change of address, telephone number, or other information necessary for RWCS to contact the applicant.  RWCS is not responsible for maintaining information or continuing any search.

    • Upon acceptance of enrollment, the parent or guardian will be required to provide the following information before admission:

    • Original birth certificate, legal copy of the birth certificate, or other legal proof of birth.

    • Current immunization and health records

      • Note: No child will be admitted without current immunization records and legal proof of birth.

    • Information release form authorizing the RWCS to share or request any and all records, information, or data determined by RWCS to be relevant to the student’s attending RWCS.

    • Individual Education Plan (IEP) or other special education requirements.

    • Parent Packet forms signed and returned.

    • Meeting with RWCS representative to discuss the handbook, EL model, and other information to help set up the new students for a positive RWCS experience.

  • For the annual lottery, this application must be received no later than Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 10:00 am. Applications received after this time will be added to the waiting list after the lottery is completed.

    The lottery will take place on Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Children’s names will be added to the acceptance or wait list based on grade or cohort availability.

    If your child is chosen through the lottery, you will have until Friday, April 29, 2024 to verify intention to enroll your child at Roots and Wings Community School. If we do not hear back from you by that time, we will offer the opening to the next child drawn in the lottery or on the waiting list.

Wait List Application

If you have more than one child you’d like to enroll, please fill out an application for each child.